SMB Enumeration & Interaction
for fun & profit
What is SMB?
But how can you find it, exploit it, and even use it to help with a red team engagement? Lets find out.
Before you can do anything you need to discover shares on the network. From here you can try to see if any shares allow anonymous access or what restricted share exists. SMB can also disclose information about the host such as the operating system and current version.
we can use nmap to scan across a network to try discover hosts with port 139 which is for the NetBIOS protocol which is a session layer allowing computers on a local network to talk with one another and port 445 for SMB.
This will return back a list of hosts that have those ports open.
Discovering file sharing
Now we have a list of hosts with shares lets see if we can access them via anonymous sessions.
smbmap is a great tool for listing out different shares on an SMB server to do so is as easy as passing it the IP address of the host.
From this output we can see there exists several shares, ADMIN, C, IPC and Users. We can see via our anonymous access, we never gave smbmap a username and password, that we have read and write access to the Users share.
smbmap supports loads more features including specifying usernames and passwords and even executing commands!
Another tool I really like to use is smbclient which is part of the fantastic impacket library.
To list share it’s as simple as this:
Discovering SMB vulnrabilties
nmap cameo appearence
Searchsploit is a handy little cli tool. Passing searchsploit a software and a version will return a list of known exploits.
A feature I love is ability to quickly mirror the result to my working directory. In the above snippet I an see a python file has been found. I can quickly copy it with the -m
flag or if I want to quickly examine it -x
nmap scripting engine
Using nmaps scripting engine we can have it run scripts in hopes to discover potential vulnrabilties and get a wealth of information on them. Using a *
is a good trick here to run all scripts related to smb vulns.
flag with nmap as it’s almost guerenteed to cause the host to crash.Gaining access
If I find some creds in LDAP or via someother means and prehaps some potential users names. Which could be found from company email address or looking on website such as linked in for employees of a company. We could create a username and password lists. Using crackmapexec I can quickly spray all permutations of usernames and passwords to see if i can gain authenticated access to shares.
Interacting with a SMB share
As privously mentioned smbclient has additional features those include actually interacting with shares.
I can now use normal commands such as cd
and get
to download a remote file or put
to upload a file from my working directory to the share.
Using your own SMB share to transfer files to a windows host
Okay, you’ve establised a foothold on a windows machine and now you want to copy over your tools such as winPEAS to discover low hanging fruit that could esculate our privileges. We can use the hosts cmd.exe
command to grab files from our own share.
impacket comes with it’s own smbserver. Lets create a share on our Kali machine by spesifying the share name and the directory to mount to it.
Now lets copy over winPEAS from the share where the IP address is the IP of our Kali machine.
We can also directly execute the binary straight from the share.
In Summary
SMB might not always be exploitable but it can still be a power tool for not only extracting data from a host but we can also use it for transfering our own data from our local machine to a windows host.
I think you should always get excited if you see smb is open on a machine and it is always a good place to start enumerating futher. I hope this post helps facilitate that.